Speaking Engagements

This site collects my past speaking engagements.

He was fortunate enough to be a member of the winning team of the 2014 PowerShell Scripting games, the Kitten Mittons. The team was featured in an interview on the PowerShell.org PowerScripting podcast on June 4th, 2014.

The download link is available here.

On November 2015, he was featured on an interview with Father Robert Ballacer on the Coding 101 Podcast titled – Best of the MVP Summit, alongside the stellar Sarah Dutkiewicz, Adam Bertram, Jeremy Clark, June Blender,& Jeff Wouters.


In September of 2016, Stephen was thrilled to be invited to deliver a number of sessions at Microsoft Ignite in his hometown, Atlanta Georgia.

My Session from Microsoft Ignite, intro to PowerShell


Stephen returned to Microsoft Ignite in 2017 and 2018.

Stephen spoke at MMS MOA summit in Minneapolis in 2018 and 2019, and also spoke at MMS Jazz New Orleans in 2019.

Microsoft MVP

Five time Microsoft MVP, and now I work for the mothership

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