Upgrade your SCOM Notifications with PowerShell
in this post, we talk about how to provide more detailed alerts in SCOM Messages. This was for a project with a customer I've now forgotten, where we did a rip and replace of another product that I've also forgotten. I bascally don't remember any of this... Continue Reading...
Two ways to provide GUI interaction to users
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Before everything fails, ask.
This was a definite learning experience.
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Recently at a client, we encountered this lovely error message when launching a Configuration Manager (ConfigMgr) report from the webconsole:
Continue Reading...SCCM: Solved Update not synced due to pending EULA Download.
Today while attempting to deploy certain Windows Updates (namely IE 9 and IE 11) in a new 2012 R2 environment, I noticed that the two updates would not appear while doing a search for them within SCCM. After checking my product classifications to ensure the update should be there, I then c  hecked WSUS on the server for the update, saw them.
Continue Reading...SCCM PowerShell Reference : Configuring File Replication
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